Mirpur Mathelo

Mirpur Mathelo (Representative) JUI protested in front of DHQ Press Club Mirpur Mathilo against the increasing unrest in Sindh. Kidnapping, robbery, murders have become a daily routine in Sindh, the unrest should be controlled otherwise protest. According to the details of the leaders, JUI held a protest in front of DHQ Press Club Mirpur Mathelo against the growing unrest in Sindh, led by Maulana Ishaq Laghari, Siraj Ahmad Channa, Ghulam Yasin Rind, Mohammad. Qasim Khahawar and others, on this occasion, the leaders said that there is unrest in Sindh, kidnapping, robbery and murder have become a daily routine, due to which the cradles of many mothers have become empty. He further said that criminal elements are active in the slums of Kashmore, Ghotki, Shikarpur, while bandits are making videos of hostages and making them viral on social media, which he condemns. It should be improved, otherwise the scope of the protest will be widened.

Mirpur Mathelo

(Representative) In broad daylight, robbers attacked the police station in Ghotki. As a result of this, the police constable Ali Bakhsh Pitafi was martyred by firing on the spot, after receiving the information of the incident, a heavy police force arrived at the spot and shifted the body of the martyred police officer to Taluka Hospital Ghotki, while a heavy police force rushed to Kache. It has gone in pursuit of robbers in the areas

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