Mirpur Mathelo:

 (By Tanveer Ahmed Soomro)
 Pakistan People’s Party Chairman and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has announced that if the nation gives him a mandate in the upcoming general elections, he will provide interest-free loans and Land ownership rights will be given to residents, who have been living on government lands for generations, but are deprived of ownership rights. Women will be made owners of ready-made houses. Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, while condemning the anti-people actions of the former government, said that the selected prime minister cheated the nation by falsely promising to build 1 crore jobs and 5 million houses. According to the details. , on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the construction of 82 thousand 746 houses in Ghotki district in relation to 2 million houses to be built for the flood affected people across Sindh under Sindh People’s Housing and giving ownership rights of residential land to the victims. While addressing, the PPP Chairman said that Pakistan People’s Party governments have always introduced such revolutionary programs, which combat poverty. He said that the Benazir Income Support Program, the program of giving interest-free loans to women for business at the Union Council level and now helping the flood-affected families in building houses and giving them the ownership rights of the land of this house are similar measures. are He said that we are not only fighting floods, but we are fighting poverty by building houses for the victims. Talking about the Sindh government’s rehabilitation program for flood victims’ houses, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that after the floods last year, whenever he visited any area, everyone would have one demand that Help him build a house. He said that within a short period of 10 months, I planned a program to build houses for flood victims, arranged funding for these houses at the global level and ensured the implementation of the program, under which today Sindh Construction of 20 lakh houses of Bharman flood victims has started. Pointing out, he said that before me there was an elderly prime minister, who in his election campaign promised to build 1 crore jobs and 50 lakh houses to the people, he got 4 years but did not build even one house. We got a few months, and the work has already started. Some houses have been built, others are being built, and the rest will be anything but. Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that PPP was unnecessarily criticized in the past that it did not know how to govern. He said that the character assassination of Pakistan People’s Party is based on one hundred percent lies. He pointed out that whether it was the corona virus epidemic or last year’s floods, the government of Sindh has performed significantly compared to other governments. PPP Chairman while announcing the establishment of IBA Sukkur campus in Ghotki urged the Sindh Chief Minister to implement the project before the end of the tenure of the present provincial government. He said that the country is facing economic problems even now, inflation and unemployment are also on the rise, but we will all struggle together. On this occasion, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah, National Assembly members Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Mahar and Sardar Khalid Ahmed Lound, Provincial Ministers Sharjeel Inam Memon, Nasir Hussain Shah, Abdul Bari Pitafi, Jam Ikramullah Dharejo and Mukesh Kumar Chawla, MPA, elected from Ghotki. Sohail Anwar Syal, District Chairman Bangul Khan Mahar and other leaders were also present.
Tanveer Ahmed Soomro Representative Mirpur Mathelo

Daily Independent

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