Mirpur Mathelo


Tanveer Ahmed Soomro) Deputy Commissioner Ghotki Agha Sher Zaman has said that certificates of appreciation will be provided to the workers who have shown good performance during the polio campaign, the credit of the successful polio campaign goes to the hardworking workers. He expressed these views while presiding over a meeting held in his office to review the situation after the polio campaign. ADC Liaquat Ali Kalhoro, DHO Dr. Altaf Soomro and Divisional N-Stop Officer Dr. Siraj Ahmed participated in the meeting. Speaking on this occasion, the Deputy Commissioner said that the main role in a successful polio campaign is the polio workers who perform their duties honestly and honestly, so to encourage such workers, certificates of appreciation should be provided to them. He said that even after the campaign, medical officers and workers should not be inactive because it is a national duty for the success of which they need to play an active role continuously. He directed the DHO to pay special attention to the route map including the micro plan to solve the problems encountered during the campaign in the union councils while also improving the composition of the teams so that all children can be covered. On this occasion, he appreciated the services of Dr. Waqar Dahar, the transferable N-Stop Officer, and gave a gift of salary and said that his performance is commendable. It is hoped that he will continue to perform the same duties in the future while the newly appointed N-Stop. Officer Dr. Zaheer Domki was welcomed

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