Mir Shoaib Nausherwani hails Prime Minister’s visit to Quetta

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Minister for Finance, Mir Shoaib Nausherwani has hailed the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif to Quetta.
In an official statement issued here on Monday, the Provincial Minister Finance welcomed the Prime Minister to Quetta and said that the PML-N’s government has done lot of works in the province.
He referred to the solarization of agricultural tube wells in the province and said that the agreement was signed between the federal and provincial governments in this regard because of the interest taken by Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif.
He said that it had been the long-standing demand of the zamindars to solarize the agricultural tube wells in the province.
With this, there would be positive changes in lives of the zamindars of province.
In addition to this, the federal government is taking concrete measures for improvement in law and order as well as in health and education sectors in collaboration with the provincial government.
He said that our provincial government has been endeavouring to put the province on path of the development removing backwardness.

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