Mir Sarfraz Bugti says Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) of Balochistan to be revised

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has vowed to bring at least 60 reforms in different departments of the province, and adding he announced to constitute a reform committee within week time.
While talking informally to the media persons at Balochistan Assembly on occasion of bi-elections of Senate on Thursday, the Chief Minister said that we are going to bring around 60 reforms in the province.
He said that the reform committee would be formed in seven days, which would present its report within two months.
The services of retired bureaucrats are being sought for the reform committee.
He said that the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) of the province would also be revised afresh.
The Chief Minister said that it is our endeavour to include such development works which may benefit the general public.
He regretfully pointed out that huge amount of Rs. 80 billions has been allocated for the health sector. However, the situation of health sector is such a pathetic despite huge spending, he added.
He said that we are going to work under Public-Private Partnership in the health sector. He said that situation and overall working of all the public sector hospitals would be improved.
He also said that we would improve the condition of our hospitals under the Sindh model.
He said that it is just a mockery with the poor people of Balochistan to spend Rs. 80 billion in health sector.
Similarly, billions of rupees are also spent on education sector, however, situation is not better in it, he maintained.
Referring the reform committee, the Chief Minister said that the recommendations of committee would be kept before the cabinet for its perusal. Until then, the cabinet would also be formed, he added.

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