Mir Changez Khan Jamali,called on Chairman Senate, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, at Parliament House.

Islamabad: – Mir Changez Khan Jamali, the provincial president Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Balochistan called on Chairman Senate, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, at Parliament House. The deliberations delved into a diverse array of vital issues that currently impact the province of Balochistan. The discussion touched upon pivotal subjects, including the prevailing political landscape, the state of law and order, and the intricate economic framework within Balochistan.

During the meeting, Mir Changez Khan Jamali, President PPP Balochistan, offered invaluable insights and perspectives on these multifaceted matters. The exchange not only fostered a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the province but also underscored the collaborative efforts between the provincial leadership and the Senate in addressing and resolving these critical issues.

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