Ministry for Law and Justice Takes Firm Action to Combat Smuggling

Today, the Minister for Law and Justice chaired a pivotal meeting aimed at bolstering legal reforms to combat smuggling-related offenses effectively. The meeting, attended by key figures including Attorney General of Pakistan Mr. Mansoor Usman Awan and representatives from the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), addressed significant delays and shortcomings within the prosecution system concerning anti-smuggling cases.

In response to the identified challenges, several proactive measures were proposed. These include amendments to the Anti-Smuggling Act, the expansion of specialized courts in Lahore, Multan, and Balochistan dedicated to handling smuggling cases, and enhanced monitoring of court performance by the Law Ministry.

Recognizing the crucial role of trained personnel, the Attorney General suggested implementing training programs for prosecutors and investigating officers to elevate performance standards. In line with this, the Law Minister directed the FBR to present records of pending cases and associated financial implications in the forthcoming meeting, paving the way for targeted action.
Furthermore, in a decisive move, the Law Minister instructed the immediate establishment of a custom court in Multan to reinforce enforcement efforts.Ministry of Law and Justice remains steadfast in its commitment to strengthening legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms to curb smuggling activities, safeguarding national interests, and upholding the rule of law.

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