Minister represents Balochistan in Kathmandu workshop


Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Public Health Engineering and Population Welfare, Sardar Ejaz Ahmed Khan Jaffar has stated that rapidly increasing population is major hurdle in way of progress of the developing countries, and as such there is a dire need to make comprehensive planning to control population.
He said that if comprehensive planning was not made, then not only the developing countries, but the developed countries can also face problems.
The caretaker Minister was addressing the workshop held regarding planning 2030 in Kathmandu, Nepal on Wednesday.
Sardar Ejaz Ahmed Khan Jaffar represented the government of Balochistan in the important workshop.
The population welfare experts from all over the world participated in the workshop.
The caretaker Minister highlighted the role of population welfare department saying that the department is playing important role for family planning besides providing better healthcare facilities to the people.
In this regard, the provincial task force holds meeting on regular basis, he maintained.
Moreover, budget allocation has been increased for purchase of the equipment in the current year budget, adding he mentioned.
He told the workshop participants that the department has successfully prepared the draft of protection and promotion Balochistan Healthcare Rights Bill 2023. The bill would be enforced after approval from the provincial cabinet soon, he informed.

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