Meeting on National Productivity Master Plan

Islamabad:An important meeting regarding the National Productivity Master Plan was chaired by the Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, Mr. Ahsan Iqbal. The meeting focused on various aspects aimed at improving the country’s economy.

Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal emphasized the importance of modern skills in the industrial sector, highlighting that the industry is not focusing on equipping its workforce with modern skills, which is a major concern. He stressed that under the “Five Es” National Economic Transformation plan, Pakistan’s economy needs rapid growth. Currently, the country is facing economic deficit, and the root cause of every deficit is linked with economic woes.

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal stated that the goal is to achieve a surplus economy. To implement the IMF plan, a cut of 250 billion rupees had to be made in the PSDP (Public Sector Development Program). The public is bearing an extraordinary tax burden due to the IMF, which necessitated the cut in the PSDP by 250 billion rupees.

He mentioned that the purpose of the development budget is to enhance growth, and investment is essential for growth, which is possible through development projects. The only way to increase and sustain growth in Pakistan is to boost productivity. The success of any country’s economy depends on its productive capacity.

Ahsan Iqbal prioritized increasing exports under the “Five Es”. He stated that positive results have been seen in some sectors where productivity has increased. Despite the challenges of expensive electricity and issues in the microeconomic framework, those sectors are enhancing their productivity and making progress. For the economic recovery of the country, productivity and growth are the fundamental pillar.

He added that Pakistan needs to increase not only its industrial productive capacity but also its agricultural productivity. Although Pakistan is the third-largest producer of milk globally, the per-animal milk yield is only 1,500 to 1,800 liters, while other countries have reached 8,000 to 9,000 liters per animal. We need to advance the dairy value chain as well.

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal further emphasized that modernizing Pakistan’s economy is the key to success. We possess the knowledge and capability, but political instability has prevented us from maintaining policy continuity. The secret to the development of other countries mainly lies in the continuity of their policies for at least ten years.

He asserted that the only way forward is to transform our economy of deficit into a surplus economy through our efforts. In recent years, social media has promoted chaos and divided politics. As a nation, we need to have confidence that we are capable and intelligent enough to overcome any challenge.

Ahsan Iqbal remarked that globally, we are recognized as a hardworking and intelligent nation. Enhancing productivity requires a positive mindset. We do not want the National Productivity Master Plan to meet the same fate as other master plans. We need to focus on quality and innovation alongside productivity. A national summit is necessary to launch a movement at the national level to increase productivity, where everyone strives to increase output even with limited resources.

He concluded by stating that provincial governments and the private sector must work together to promote productivity.

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