Meeting chaired by CS reviewed preparations of general elections in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: An important meeting was held to review the preparations of general elections in Balochistan here on Wednesday.
The Chief Secretary Shakeel Qadir Khan presided over the meeting, which was attended by the Additional Chief secretary, Saleh Muhammad Nasar, secretary Local Government department, Dostain Jamaldini, secretary Finance, Zahid Saleem, secretary Services and General Administration Department, Babar Khan, provincial Joint Election Commissioner and other concerned high ups.
Speaking on the occasion, Chief secretary said that it is basic responsibility of the interim government to conduct free and fair elections.
He mentioned that the process of transfer and posting of commissioners, deputy commissioners and additional deputy commissioners has been completed to make the election process transparent.
He on the occasion directed to ensure repair of the buildings of the polling stations affected due to the floods.

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