Matla Kochian area of Peshawar facing acute low Sui gas pressure

Independent Report/Sher Malik

PESHAWAR: While Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) is claiming to have improved low gas pressure issue in different areas of Peshawar city, some parts are still confronting the same issue apparently with no respite in the sight.
In these areas is also included Mathra Kochian warsak Road area of Peshawar city.
The dwellers of Mathra Kochian have been complaining about the extreme low gas pressure in the locality for last one year, but the concerned authorities in SNGPL have not paid any heed towards the issue yet.
What to speak about the low gas pressure during winter season in the Kochian, it was also deprived of the gas in summer even.
The dwellers of area demanded of the SNGPL authorities to take notice of the Sui gas crisis and resolve it immediately so that they may not suffer any more due to the issue in extreme winter.

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