The folk festival of Pakistan, popularly known as “Lok Mela” is all set to be opened tomorrow. This 10-day folk festival, which is being organized under the aegis of National Heritage & Culture Division, Government of Pakistan `will be formally inaugurated on Friday, November 3rd 2023 at 5.30 pm at Lok Virsa open air threatre.
The festival aims to revive endangered folk arts, crafts and music as well as to promote and safeguard traditional practitioners associated with Pakistan’s folk heritage. It would serve to disseminate the dynamic creativity of our countryside and give rural folk a pride in their identity.
The main focus of this festival is to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine. A special stall is also being set up during the festival showcasing Palestinian photographs and merchandize along with a donation box.
The mela helps to keep all the units of the federation culturally connected with each other. This festival promotes national unity and solidarity between the federation and the provinces. The festival also provides an opportunity for skilled artisans and craftsmen from across the country to showcase their art at the national level. During this festival, artisans can sell their products directly to the public without any agent and get their fair wages.
More than 500 skilled artisans and artists from across the country are part of the 10-day festival. Provincial pavilions are central to the festival and are a reflection of the cultural and traditional folk arts, folk food and folk crafts of each province and region. Each province, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir will organize a special musical concerts during the festival.
Entry ticket of the Lok Mela is Rs 150 per person while the concessional rate for the students is Rs 100 per person. The timings of the Lok Mela is from 10 am to 10 pm daily.
This one-of-a- kind festival will continue to entertain the people of twin cities till November 12 at Lok Virsa Complex Garden Avenue Shakarparian.

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