Kunri Protesting in front of the rally press club against the alleged abuses of the biometric department by the teachers,

Umer Kot By Aijaz Mughal/ Kunri Protesting in front of the rally press club against the alleged abuses of the biometric department by the teachers, demanding to take notice from the authorities.
According to the details, dozens of teachers took out a rally from Qazi Sultan Main Primary School Kunri and protested in front of the press club Kunri against the alleged abuses of the biometric department umer kot under the leadership of Nazir Arain and Akbar chandio under the government teachers organization PT ALF. He said while talkingAbuses are on the rise by the newly appointed staff in the Biometric Department, despite appearing on duty, they are not mentioned in the records.
He accused that they are performing their duties honestly, but the biometrics people are demanding bribes from them and they are being charged for not paying the bribe money and the officers who are giving them are in their homes. Sitting and having funWhile receiving salaries, he demanded to take notice from the authorities and warned that otherwise the scope of the protest will be widened.

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