KP Caretaker Minister Emphasizes Water’s Vital Role and Islamic Principles at Workshop on Water Resource Accountability

In a consultation workshop titled “Water Resource Accountability in Pakistan,” Engineer Ahmed Jan Khan, the caretaker minister for Irrigation and Communications & Works in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, underscored the critical importance of water resources and their responsible management. He invoked Islamic principles and stressed the need for sustainable practices in the face of climate change. The workshop, held in collaboration with UK Aid and the International Water Management Institute, brought together experts to discuss the challenges faced by Pakistan’s water governance and the urgent necessity of safeguarding this precious resource for future generations.

During his address, Minister Ahmed Jan Khan highlighted the indispensable role of water in sustaining life, remarking that “the survival of life is not possible without water.” He emphasized that water is a divine gift and a responsibility bestowed upon humanity by Allah, and it is our duty to use this precious resource judiciously.

Drawing from Islamic teachings, the minister emphasized that Islam advocates the responsible and efficient use of water while discourages wasteful practices. He called upon all citizens to heed these teachings and contribute to the conservation of water resources.

Considering the escalating challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation, Minister Ahmed Jan Khan emphasized the urgent need for robust water management practices and sustainable measures to protect water resources for future generations. He acknowledged that climate change threatens water availability and quality, making proactive conservation measures imperative.

The workshop delved into discussions on water governance and the unique challenges faced by Pakistan in this regard. Special attention was given to addressing the existing threats to water resources arising from the effects of climate change. Experts stressed the importance of enhancing the water resource management system and implementing a comprehensive water accountability framework.

In his concluding remarks, the caretaker minister reiterated that water’s significance cannot be overstated, as it plays a pivotal role in sustaining life and fostering prosperity. He reminded attendees that Pakistan is blessed with abundant water resources, vital for drinking, agriculture, and energy production. Minister Ahmed Jan Khan urged responsible management and utilization of these resources to ensure their availability for future generations, even in the face of mounting global challenges.

The consultation workshop served as a platform for constructive dialogue among experts, officials, and stakeholders, reinforcing the commitment to safeguarding Pakistan’s water resources through effective governance and sustainable practices.

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