KMU Institute of Nursing Hosts Vibrant Cultural Exhibition Day Promoting Unity and Diversity

A culture and art exhibition day was organized at Khyber Medical University (KMU) Peshawar. The day was organized by the students of the fourth semester BSN and post-RN of the KMU Institute of Nursing Peshawar. The purpose of the event was to promote a sense of unity, understanding of diversity, and appreciation of the different cultures that exist across Pakistan.

These activities included exposure to different cultures, traditional dress, cultural performances, food fairs of different cultures, artifacts, and knowledge about customs. Registrar KMU Inam Ullah Khan Wazir was the chief guest of this grand ceremony, while Dr. Dildar Muhammad, Director Institute of Nursing Sciences, Imran Waheed, Chief Organizer (Subject Teacher), and other respected faculty members and a large number of students were present on this occasion.

Registrar KMU Inam Ullah Khan Wazir, while addressing the event, said that the ethical principles of different cultures displayed by the students of INS show that Khyber Medical University always respects the values, beliefs, customs, and rituals of different cultures. He said that this event of the students’ fair shows that Khyber Medical University Peshawar is not only doing an exemplary job in empowering and strengthening nursing education in Pakistan but also in cultural education and providing the best cultural environment to the students.He said the KMU Institute of Nursing has always been a trendsetter in nursing education and leadership. The array of leadership skills displayed by the nursing students on the cultural exhibition day is one of them and is a striking and excellent example. He hopes that the students will continue such activities in the future as well, along with providing uninterrupted healthcare to the patients, he said.#

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