KIIR Chief thanks PM Shahbaz for raising Kashmir and Palestine issues in a befitting manner at UN

MIRPUR, Sep 28  :Senior APHC leader, Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) Chairman Altaf Hussain Wani, has expressed his profound gratitude to Pakistan Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif for raising the Kashmir issue in a befitting manner during his speech to the UN general assembly.


In his statement released to the media here on Saturday, Wani said that the prime minister Sharif won hearts and minds of Muslims all around the world by highlighting the plight of Kashmiri and Palestinian people profusely at the highest forum.

Wani, also Vice Chairman of Kashmiri rights outfit, Jammu Kashmir National Front, said that the speech not only reflected the true sentiments of the Kashmiri people but of the entire Muslim Ummah.


While praising Pakistan for its consistent support of Kashmir and the Palestinian cause, the APHC leader said that Pakistan has been a staunch supporter of the proposal for the creation of an independent Palestinian state and a strong proponent of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination guaranteed to them by the international community.


Prime Minister Sharif’s courageous stance on the issue of Kashmir, he said, amply demonstrated Pakistan’s unwavering commitment towards the cause of Kashmir and its earnest desire to seek a just and peaceful settlement of the lingering dispute.


He expressed the optimism that Pakistan would continue to extend its moral, political, and diplomatic support to Kashmiris till they achieve their cherished goal of freedom from India’s illegal occupation.

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