Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority recovered 6000 kilogram bran in Peshawar

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority recovered 6000 kilogram bran in Peshawar, during the ongoing crackdown against the adulteration Mafia in the province, Yesterday.

Food authority spokesperson , while issuing details to media said that Peshawar Food Safety Team town- 4, on a tip-off raided a spice factory in Sherdad Garhi area near Bakshu pul, Peshawar and seized 6 thousand kilograms bran and took it into government custody .

“The factory was sealed, said the food safety officials”, adding that the owner of the factory was arrested and huge fine imposed, under the Food Safety Act and further would be dealt as per law.

On this occasion, Director General Food Authority Shahrukh Ali Khan appreciated the food safety team for taking successful action and directed field officers to expedite crackdown against such elements. Shahrukh further extended that KP Food Authority have zero tolerance against adulteration and warned that mixing bran in spices was a crime and those involved in it would be dealt with an iron hand.

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