Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary and Secondary education has decided to run the government schools of the province on a public-private partnership basis.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elementary and Secondary education has decided to run the government schools of the province on a public-private partnership basis.
By M.Ilyas
Peshawar: KP government has been decided to run all the government schools under the management of elementary and secondary education on partnership with the private sector.It has been decided to run initially certain schools on an experimental basis.The project will help to improve the quality of education in government schools.Currently, there are 27 thousands government primary schools of elementary and secondary education in the province, while the number of registered schools run by the private sector is about 32 thousands.In which more than 50 lacs children are under education and each child is officially spent up to 7 thousands rupees per month.There are enough numbers of teachers appointed and despite billions of rupees funds from the government, but the quality of education is not improving, the main reason being that the teachers and the staff of elementary and secondary education are not playing their positive role in the performance of the schools and no one ready to take responsibility.Under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) project, employees and teachers will play a positive and effective role to improve the performance of schools, which will improve the quality of primary and secondary education institutions.According to Secretary elementary and Secondary Education Mutasim Billah, the purpose of running educational institutions through public-private partnership is to improve the education system in government schools.The secretary of elementary and secondary education expressed his anger at the disappointing performance of government school teachers.He said that principals,Head masters and teachers in government schools do not have any plan to improve the quality of education for the summer vacations, while none of the school teachers, headmasters or principals have any concrete strategy through which they can spend the vacations.He has said that there is no better way to teach children at the primary level than public-private partnership and in the light of all these basic ground realities, special schools of the province have been established on an experimental basis.It has been decided to run on public private partnership.

Daily Independent

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