Khushhal Kakar, Mukhtar Yousafzai strongly reacts to tragic act of terrorism in Bajor

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chairman of Pashtoonkhaw Milli Awami Party (PkMAP), Khushhal Khan Kakar and co-chairman, Mukhtar Yousafzai have strongly reacted to the tragic act of terrorism in Bajor.
In a joint condemnation statement issued here, Khushhal Kakar and Mukhtar Yousafzai charged that the state is more interested in looting the maximum resources instead of stopping the massacre of innocent people of the area.
They said that the backwardness, terrorism, unemployment, deprivatoin and ignorance have been imposed on our people instead of giving development and prosperity to the Pashtoonkhaw land. And now, the right of living is being snatched from us mercilessly, Mr. Kakar and Yousafzai further charged.
They said that it is not the first incident in which the innocent people have been targeted, rather there have been hundreds of similar incidents of terrorism and barbarism on the Pashtoon land instead, they maintained.
Thousands of people have been massacred and several others injured in a number of incidents of target killings, bomb explosions, landmine and bomb blasts in the past, the central leaders of PkMAP recalled.
The PkMAP leaders also questioned performance of the security and intelligence agencies as how and why the incidents of terrorism have been happening for long in spite of their presence, and why these institutions are failed to stop them?
Khushhal Kakar and Mukhtar Yousafzai also charged that the anti-Pashtoon forces are behind these acts of terrorism.
They said that the country’s establishment has not learnt any lesson from the mistakes of past.
Meanwhile, they expressed sympathy with the bereaved families of martyrs and those injured in the blast.
They also expressed their resolve to wage struggle against the terrorism.

Daily Independent

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