Key Stakeholders Call for Urgent Collective Action to Address Child Trafficking, Forced Labor, and Early Marriage in Punjab


Child trafficking, forced child labor, and early child marriage remain tragic aspects of our society and present a major challenge that necessitates more effective enforcement of existing laws and collective action. Speaker Punjab Assembly Malik Ahmed Khan, Deputy Speaker Punjab Assembly Zaheer Iqbal Chanar, Senator Bushra Anjum Butt, MPA Khurram Virk, Chairperson Child Protection Bureau Sarah Ahmed, Executive Director of SSDO Syed Kausar Abbas, Justice Nasira Javed Iqbal, US Acting Councelor General in Lahore Michael Diamond,  Prosecutor General Punjab Syed Farhad Ali, and others expressed these views during an advocacy seminar and panel discussion organized by the Sustainable Social Development Organization (SSDO) in collaboration with Child Protection & Welfare Bureau, Punjab and the US Embassy, Islamabad. Emphasizing the need to dismantle the child trafficking mafia, it was highlighted that there are 700,000 street children in Punjab, requiring urgent protective measures. The participants stressed the importance of all stakeholders playing a joint role in addressing these issues and raising awareness among parents and children. They noted that mere formulation of laws is insufficient; society as a whole must work together to find permanent solutions to these challenges. Chairperson Sarah Ahmad also spoke on the ongoing legislative efforts to strengthen children’s rights and the expansion of the Bureau’s operations across the province. She called for a concerted effort from the judiciary, police, and prosecution in handling cases of child violence and exploitation. She commended SSDO for its role in raising awareness about child trafficking and other crimes against children, urging all stakeholders to support the joint mission of the Bureau and SSDO in combatting these issues. Kausar Abbas, Executive Director of SSDO, underscored the critical need for public awareness regarding child trafficking and the Trafficking in Persons Act 2018. He highlighted the severe consequences of child trafficking, including increased violence and abuse against children and domestic child workers. Abbas affirmed the collaboration between SSDO and the Child Protection Bureau in implementing joint protective measures for children. Members of Parliament and other participants underscored the necessity of adopting a zero-tolerance policy against mafias involved in child labor and trafficking. They also highlighted the need to provide social security to children and their parents who fall victim to these challenges, urging both the government and civil society to play a proactive role. The speakers further stated that to make child rights effective, alongside population control, the judicial system must become more active. The Speaker of the Punjab Assembly announced that a bill and policy against child marriage would soon be approved in the Punjab Assembly, facilitating the prosecution of those involved in these crimes. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed between the Punjab Assembly and SSDO on this occasion to strengthen the capacity of the members of Punjab Assembly on issues of peace & sustainable development in Punjab.

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