Joint strategy to be prepared with zamindars for implementation on project, assures Chief Minister

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has announced that joint strategy would be prepared in collaboration with the zamindars for implementation on the project of solarization of agricultural tube wells in the province.
He said that it is our utmost endeavour to complete the project within one month.
The Chief Minister was speaking to the representative delegation of Balochistan Zamindar Action Committee, who called on him here at the CM’s secretariat on Tuesday.
Besides the office bearers of Zamindar Action Committee, the provincial ministers, parliamentary secretaries of different departments, Chief Secretary, Shakeel Qadir Khan and other concerned high ups were also present in the meeting.
The members of delegation highly appreciated the Chief Minister and members of provincial cabinet on success of the project of solarization of agricultural tube wells in the province.
They also appreciated the wholehearted and active role played by the Chief Secretary, Shakeel Qadir Khan regarding implementation on the vital project.
Speaking to the members of zamindars’ delegation, Chief Minister said that provincial government has taken practical steps for resolving long-standing issues of the zamindars.
He said that it is his endeavour to complete the project within one month. However, until then, supply of electricity would be ensured to the zamindars for six hours, the Chief Minister maintained.
He said that the registered tube wells would be converted on solar energy with cooperation of zaminards in due course of time.
He asserted that necessary legislation would be made for ending illegal connections of electricity in the province.
He said that it is our responsibility to ensure implementation on the project of solarization.
The members of zamindar action committee on the occasion termed the progress on implementation on project of solarization of agricultural tube wells as historic initiative.
While appreciating the role Chief Minister and his cabinet regarding the project, the members of delegation said that they made important decision in larger interest of the province setting aside the political affiliations.

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