Joint resolution adopted in BA regarding implementation on quota allocated for minorities in provincial departments

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Balochistan Assembly adopted a joint resolution about implementation on the quota for minorities in the provincial government departments, here on Monday.
The Speaker, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Khan Achakzai was in the chair at the session.
The Member of Provincial Assembly belonging to JUI, Ravi Pahuja tabled the resolution, in which it was pointed out that the people belonging to different minorities have been serving in different sectors for development of the country.
It was also mentioned that the federal and provincial governments have allocated five percent quota for the minorities in all public and private institutions. But, there is least implementation on the five percent quota for the minorities, it was mentioned in the resolution demanding of the House to ask provincial government to take practical steps for implementation on the same immediately so as to end resentment and sense of deprivation prevailing among the minorities.
Earlier, the MPA Abdul Majeed Badini raised point of order in which he pointed out towards the non-functional basic health units in Jaffarabad.
He said that many BHUs are non-functional in his district as such they should be made functional.
On the point of order raised by the MPA Asadullah Baloch, the Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti endorsed his point and said that we would call the high ups of Pakistan Coast Guard.
Besides, he added that we would also call the Leader of Opposition and Mir Asadullah Baloch on the matter.
It may be mentioned here that Mir Asadullah Baloch had charged that the Coast Guard walas are teasing the passengers going to Karachi from Balochistan at Bela.
He claimed that even the patients are stopped for hours at the check post.
Later, the session of provincial assembly was adjourned till 03:00 PM, September 12, 2024.

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