Jan Achakzai says interim Government fully prepared to send foreigners back to their homeland

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has categorically stated that the decision about repatriation of the illegal immigrants to their respective countries has been taken in the interest of country’s security and betterment.
The Minister Information was addressing the conference on the issue of repatriation of the illegal immigrants here at the civil secretariat on Monday.
The prominent religious leaders including the central khateeb, Maulana Anwarul Haq Haqqani and others participated in the conference.
The conference was organized by the Information Department, Government of Balochistan in collaboration with an organization.
The basic objective behind the conference was to share the matter of repatriation of the illegal immigrants and strategy of the government in this regard with the religious leaders and scholars.
The Minister Information mentioned that Pakistan has been hosting around four millions of Afghan refugees for last several decades.
The immigrants are living in different parts of the country without any inconvenience, adding he pointed out.
However, the incumbent government has decided to repatriate those living illegally in the country.
He said that the repatriation of the illegal immigrants is in accordance with the international laws.
He said that the government has given relaxation to the undocumented foreigners. But, the government is firm to send the undocumented immigrants anyway, he asserted.
Jan Achakzai on the occasion said that the government of Balochistan is fully prepared to send the foreigners to their countries.
He said that the decision of sending them (foreigners) has been taken for the country’s security and betterment.
However, the decision would not have any impact on the registered immigrants, he made it clear.
Other participants also spoke and shared their views on the topic.
They stressed that the repatriation of refugees must be ensured respectably.

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