It is essential to practically implementation of the Ideology of Pakistan, for the survival and true defense of Pakistan.

: 5 September 2024

(Shujauddin Shaikh)
Lahore (PR): This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem-e-Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. The Ameer remarked that the reality is that Pakistan is currently trapped in a myriad of economic, political, and social issues due to our faults over the last 77 years. The survival and security of Pakistan are under serious threat from political instability, economic decline and social degradation. Moreover, at the ideological level, we have been in reverse gear for nearly half a century. In our opinion, had the Objectives Resolution been sincerely and faithfully implemented, and had Pakistan been made a true Islamic welfare state based on the 22 points unanimously proposed by 31 esteemed Ulema from all religious schools of thought immediately after its establishment, Pakistan would have been a strong and stable nation today. The Ameer said that there is still time for us to reassess our actions, rectify the negligence and shortcomings regarding the implementation of Islam in the past, and fulfill the promise made to Allah (SWT) during the Pakistan Movement. While the implementation of Islam in Pakistan is a fundamental requirement of our faith, the current circumstances also demand, both logically and rationally, that we return to our raison d’etre. We must abolish all such articles of the constitution and laws that are un-Islamic and in violation of the Shariah. It is imperative for the survival and defense of Pakistan that we do not cause any further delay in enforcing the Islamic system of social justice in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. May Allah (SWT) grant us the wisdom to make the right decisions and the steadfastness to uphold them. Ameen!
Issued by:
Khursheed Anjum
Markazi Nazim Nashr o Ishaat
Tanzeem e Islami

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