Islamabad Police Crack Down on Crime: Key Measures Announced by DIG Syed Ali Raza

(By Syed Ahmed Shah)
*Islamabad,   – In a critical meeting chaired by DIG Islamabad Syed Ali Raza, significant directives were issued to enhance the efficiency of the police force and ensure the arrest of criminals. The focus is on apprehending missing gang members and monitoring those released in property cases.

Key instructions from the meeting include:

– *Arrest of Missing Gang Members*: Ensure the capture of all gang members who are currently at large.
– *Data Compilation*: Collect and maintain data on individuals released in property-related cases over the past three months.
– *Monitoring Released Individuals*: Keep a close watch on those released in property cases, and re-arrest them if they reoffend.
– *Theft Suspects*: Prioritize the arrest of suspects involved in car and motorcycle thefts.
– *Proclaimed Offenders*: Maximize efforts to apprehend proclaimed offenders.

Additionally, DIG Syed Ali Raza emphasized the need for a performance log to evaluate the effectiveness of all investigative officers. Each officer’s 24-hour performance will be closely monitored to ensure accountability and improve overall efficiency.

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