Iranian Ambassador and Islamia College VC discuss strengthening academic.

By M.Ilyas

Peshawar – The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Raza Amiri, and the Vice Chancellor of Islamia College Peshawar, Professor Dr. Ali Muhammad Yousafzai, met to explore avenues for enhancing literary and academic cooperation between Iran and Pakistan.

During the meeting, Ambassador Amiri, who has extensive experience in scientific, educational, and technical fields, expressed Iran’s readiness to elevate collaboration between the educational institutions of both countries. He emphasized Iran’s commitment to sharing its advancements in these fields with Pakistani universities.

Vice Chancellor Dr. Yousafzai stressed the importance of expanding cooperation in the education sector, highlighting the potential of leveraging the deep-rooted cultural, religious, and social ties between Iran and Pakistan to foster stronger academic relations. Discussions included a range of mutual interests, such as teacher and student exchange programs, joint cultural and sports initiatives, and the establishment of an “Iranian Corner” at Islamia College to promote the Persian language.

In a gesture symbolizing the growing friendship, Ambassador Amiri planted a sapling on the college grounds, expressing his delight at the lush greenery of the campus. The meeting was also attended by several notable figures, including Ali Banafsha Khaw, Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Dr. Hussain Chakami, Director General of Khana Farhang, Islamic Republic of Iran; Arbab Zahid Dawood, Registrar of Islamia College; Dr. Shabir Ahmed Kakakhel, Admin Officer; and Shabir Ahmed, Deputy Registrar.

This meeting marks a significant step towards strengthening academic and cultural ties between Iran and Pakistan, with both nations committed to future collaboration and mutual development in the education sector.

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