Inter-Institutions Minister Education Throwball Tournament:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Secretary Information Department, Imran Khan has assured that every possible measures to be taken to promote sports and provide all kind of facilities to the talented players of the province at provincial level.
The Secretary Information was addressing the closing ceremony of All Quetta Inter-Institutions Minister Education Ms. Raheela Hameed Khan Durrani Throwball League Tournament at the Ayub Sports complex on Wednesday.
The Secretary Information, who also happens to be the Chairman of Balochistan Throwball Association (BTA), said that the young players can brighten the name of province and country by taking interest in the sports.
He said that it is our earnest desire and endeavour to provide all basic facilities to the young players so that they are able to excel in sports.
He also said that the provincial government is mobilizing all resources for support of the sports and sportsmen in the province.
In the end, the Secretary Information distributed prizes among the players and officials.
Earlier, the team of Government Sabzal school defeated Killi Sheikhan school in the final and thus won the tournament.
The office bearers of the Throwball Association as well as officials of sports and education departments and participating teams were present on the occasion.

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