India’s denial for peace to be matter of world’s concern, PM Kakar on Kashmir issue

Stressing the need for a peaceful solution to the Kashmir issue as per the UN resolutions, caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has warned that it would be a matter of concern for not only India and Pakistan but the entire world if a chance for peace is denied in South Asia.

Speaking on Geo News programme Jirga in his first exclusive interview, the interim premier said that they do not want to go towards war with India.

“Terming the Kashmir a core issue does not mean that we want war all the time with India,” PM Kakar said, adding that Islamabad’s traditional and historical relationship with New Delhi has not been friendly.

The relationship between the two neighbouring nuclear countries further deteriorated after Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government rushed through a presidential decree to abolish Article 370 of the constitution which grants special status to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) on August 5, 2019.

Regarding the restoration of ties with India, Premier Kakar said the decision to this effect should be made by Indian polity and consciousness, and the world will find Pakistan as a responsible partner.

PM condemns May 9 riots

Responding to a question, Premier Kakar termed the May 9 violence “an attempted coup and civil war, the target of which was the serving army chief and his team in the military”.

He condemned the riots that ensued following the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan in a graft in May this year. “The vandalism and arson on May 9 were witnessed by the whole world and international newspapers reported the tragedy. This kind of manipulation is not acceptable in any form of government.”

He said the government does not want to create an impression that revenge is being taken against the accused of May 9 violence.

However, he added, if legal action is not taken against those who violated the country’s laws and resorted to violence, then “we will be seen as a party to the matter”.

The interim premier added that no political party had the right to throw stones at others, abuse them, and burn buildings.

Speaking about the new role that he has been chosen to perform, PM Kakar said: “I had no idea that I would ever sit on the prime minister’s chair.”

He also shared his views on Islamabad’s policy regarding the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other banned outfits.

“The state has both negotiation and force tools to deal with the TTP or any banned organisation,” he said, clarifying the government’s upfront policy against terrorism.

Commenting on the relations between India and Pakistan and the role of trade in this regard, the caretaker prime minister said the final decision on bilateral trade has to be taken by Indian politicians.

‘Situation in Afghanistan turned worsen’

To another query, the caretaker premier said that the world was expecting that the situation in Afghanistan would improve with the new government “but unfortunately, it worsened”.

He said that the arms, ammunition and other military equipment left behind by the US forces after withdrawing from the war-torn country that creating problems.

“The effects of the abandoned US military equipment in Afghanistan have started for us,” he said, adding that the “entire region” would see its impacts. “The abandoned US military equipment is an issue for the entire region.”

He added that the militants’ subversive activities have risen.

The weapons left behind by Nato were used in attacks in Pakistan, he added. “We wanted to see a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan.”

‘Won’t stay in office longer than constitutional term’

Responding to a query, Premier Kakar clarified that he is not willing to stay in the office longer than the timeframe set by the Constitution.

He went on to say that deciding a date for general elections in the country is the prerogative of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).

The interim PM also said that his government would comply with whatever the decision made by the Supreme Court regarding the upcoming polls.

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