In connection with Christmas: PARCHAM JASAY LOG: interfaith movie screened by Faces Pakistan

In connection with Christmas, Faces Pakistan screened a short interfaith documentary film named “PARCHAM JASAY LOG” in the auditorium Of e-library at Gaddafi Stadium on Friday. Secretary Human Rights Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Akbar, Rev. Dr. Majeed Abel, Professor Punjab University Kalyan Singh Kalyan, Film Writer Jafri Aftab Javed, president of Faces Pakistan Javed William, Coordinator Faces Pakistan Saira Butt along with People associated with religious minorities witnessed the movie.
The 12-minute film presented an excellent example of promoting mutual acceptance, unity and interfaith. In the film, it was shown that after the death of a Christian couple, their relatives refuse to raise their three daughters, and in such a case, one character named Haji Ali Ahmed not only takes the responsibility of raising one of their daughters named Sabiha, but also announced sharer in his property. When he leaves the world after her marriage abroad, Christian daughter, when she comes to Pakistan, first takes her children to the grave of Haji Ali Ahmad and tells them that it is the grave great grandfather, after that goes to her own parents. On this occasion, the Secretary of Human Rights said that this film will lead to unity and consensus and to highlight the positive side of Pakistan and it is hoped that the services of Javed William, president of Faces Pakistan, in the promotion of interfaith will be further strengthened. He said that no doubt such films will promote mutual acceptance and love. He praised Javed William and said that he has extensive experience of working on Interfaith for many years and his efforts will certainly prove to be a great Christmas gift. Reverend Dr. Majeed Abel said that the voice of peace and harmony can be heard from Churches or Mosques, but this kind of effort on the media, especially on social media, will definitely promote the desire to understand each other’s religions and move forward together. President of Pakistan Javed William said that behind this film is the hard work of many people and as a result of an excellent team work, this film has been presented today, but one message needs to be spread that accept each other. Let’s work together to establish peace in the society. a very big message is being given in this short film that we are all one and first of all human beings. Every religion has a same message of love and unity, but there is a dire need for us to discourage those who want to sow hatred in the society. Professor Kalyan Singh Kalyan said that such a film will raise awareness among the youth to go ahead and serve and not let any religion interfere in it, but put humanity first so that justice and fairness in the society can be promoted. On this occasion the executive producer of the film: Abdul Qayyum, Javed William, Nadeem William, director: Rafi Qayyum and Saadullah Khan, DOP Saadullah Khan, writer of the film: Dr. Majeed Abel, Javed William and Aftab Javed, the main character of the film Roma Michael and the cast of the film included Mustafa, Muhammad Hanan Dar, Babar Ayub, Zayed Khan, Huma Ali, Zoya, Rukhsar Ali, Zubair Butt, Shehbaz, Rafi Qayyum Child Cast: Hania Khizr, Maimuna Ali, Momina Hamial were also present.

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