Implementation on party’s manifesto to be ensured if voted to power, says Asghar Achakzai


Independent Report

QUETTA: The Provincial President of Awami National Party (ANP) Asghar Khan Achakzai has stated that implementation on the party’s manifesto would be ensured regarding provision of basic human needs if the people voted the party to power in next elections.
He also vowed to complete all the projects which remain incomplete after coming in power.
It would be our priority to complete the projects if people reposed conference on the party in Chaman.
The ANP leader and candidate for PB-51, Chaman was addressing different party events and programmes in Chaman on Saturday.
The events he participated and addressed were included ulasi jirga at residence of Abdul Nafey Khushhal in Murda Karez Chaman, ulasi campaign at residence of late Noor Muhammad Kakar, inauguration of election office at the bypass, joining ceremony at Tozi Karez, address to the party workers at residence of Haji Talib in Killi Taki, workers convention at residence of Abdul Ali Khan in Sanzala Karez.
The people belonging to a religious party including Haji Abdullah, Abdul Ghaffar and Muhammad Aslam announced to join ANP.
Asghar Khan Achakzai and other speakers said that it is responsibility of the caretaker government and Election Commission to conduct free, fair and transparent elections in the country.
They said that the party is contesting elections believing in the power of masses.


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