Horrifying Indian plot of terrorism in Pakistan exposed thanks to vigilant security agencies

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Pakistani security institutions have successfully exposed the terrorist group as well as Indian handlers and facilitators involved in the terrorism acts and target killings.
The security institutions exposed the plot on basis of evidences that two Indian citizens namely Ashok Kumar and Yugaish Kumar were directly involved in the killing of Muhammad Riaz and Shahid Latif.
The security institutions of Pakistan apprehended the target killers of Muhammad Riaz and Shahid Latif in the light of undeniable evidences.
The target killers involved in the cold blooded killings were arrested when they were attempting to flee from Pakistan.
It may be recalled here that Muhammad Riaz had been killed by the target killers on September 8, 2023 and Shahid Latif gunned down on October 11, 2023 in Daska.
Both the deceased were peaceful citizens and their only fault was to expose the ongoing cruelty, barbarism and heinous face of India in Kashmir.
The investigating agencies have the authentic proofs that the Indian citizens present in third country were involved in the whole targeted killing campaign, who were not only giving directives along with it’s funding, but were also controlling the drive.
Matter of fact also remains that India assassinated the innocent people in terrorism acts in different countries including Pakistan, but no concrete evidences were provided about their evidences.
There’s also no denying the fact that India is constantly busy in violation of the international laws and that it (India) is fully violating the relevant articles of Universal Declaring of Human Rights (UDHR) and International Convent of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
The Indian intelligence agency (RAW) is playing the role of an international terrorism organization.
Worthwhile to mention is that India had killed the Sikh leader Hardeep Singh in Canada last year.
Canada had reacted strongly to the Sikh leader’s killing at diplomatic level and highlighted it at the world level.
India had made plot to assassin all the Sikh leaders who used to raise voice against the Indian cruel acts.
After killing of Sikh leader in Canada, it was also conspired to kill another Sikh leader settled in USA, however, it was exposed because of the timely intervention of the US secret agencies.
The accused of the conspiracy is facing the judicial proceedings in US these days.
India has made a group of the paid target killers through RAW all over the world.
Undoubtedly it is major achievement of Pakistani security institutions to apprehend the group and made the evidences public.
What’s needed is that the world community should take notice of the open terrorism and violation of international laws by India.
Pakistani security and law enforcement agencies are determined to respond to the Indian terrorism and make their citizens safer.

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