Homes not built flood affected, until residing in the tents, roads and baths destroyed, social organisations not done anything for pretentious, flood affected peoples situation is worst, announced amount not reached.

Zulfiqar Ali Meerani

LARKANA: Homes not built flood affected, until residing in the tents, roads and baths destroyed, social organisations not done anything for pretentious, flood affected peoples situation is worst, announced amount not reached.
As survey, the hundred cillages, thousand houses were completely destroyed in last moon soon rains and flood in Larkana district along with four Taluka’s Ratodero, Dokri, Bakrani and Larkana, one Municiple Corporation, two Municiple Committee’s, twenty Union Committee’s, Five Town Committee’s Bero Chandio, Badeh, Dokri, Arija and Gerello and 46 Union Councils. The hundreds Thousands houses were under the beneath of rain water and homes were completely cracked resultantly families are passing under sunstroke and heat with children and women, in the tents yet.
In the larkana district, the working NGOs also not help the affected families and completely unsucceed, otherside, the government announced amount not given the flood affected peoples after ephemeral the one year, fllod affecdted along with innocent children and women are facing the difficulties and problems. Affected peoples Mohd Saifal Buriro, Barkat Ali Arijo and others told that we were helpless after moon soon flood, resided in the tent cities, when returned back saw our houses were completely destroyed, we are deprived to reside in the open sky together with women and childen from 330 days,the home built annonced amount not given us , District Management and elected representatives has not been helped us, sons and daughters are passing the days in hungriness, urgently released the announced amount as we will built our houses, and will take the rest, they demanded from the Sindh Government.
The repair and maintenance work of Nusrat loap Bund Naudero, L.S Bund 57, Gajidero Bund, Mohen_Jo-Daro Bund after passing the eleven months, similary not construction work of the various Bunds of Taluka Dokri, Bakrani, Ratodero and Naudero. In this connections, Mohd Hassan Junejo, Ghulam Abbas Jessar, Shafiq Pirzado, Saqib Mangi and others asked that the construction work of Bunds is not started due to non-interest of present PPP Sindh Government, which is clear incapable of Irrigation Department of Sindh, sooner construction work of Bunds would start and end the uneasinessrestless from the area peoples.
In the last great flood the various link roads of Larkana district were completely destroyed, whose newly repair and maintenance work not started until now, resultantly, during the traveling in the Katcha and Pacca areas peoples facing the difficulties and troubles, many accidents were present on such broken link roads, while District Management has not started the construction work on mentioned broken link roads after passing the 330 days. Advocate Ali Madad Arijo, Aijaz Ali Kalhoro and others said that the link roads of Larkana district were completely destroyed and broken from the part to part and Sindh Government rulers scene the photographs of Larkan flood affected areas to the world and got aid of billions Trillions but the fort Of PPP and is residential of PPP leaders and founders Larkana helpless and remaining from the support and helpless yet.
The activists of social, political and religious parties and organisations notified that in the laswt moon soon flood the destroyness came in Larkana and Qambar-Shahdadkot districts, million peoples were under beneath the mercy of peoples and helpless, thousand houses, shops, Schools, Hospitals, Mills, Industries were broken and falls down on earth, eleven months passed but not help the flood affected peoples hitherto, and residing under the shadow of open sky along with children and women helplessly.

Daily Independent

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