Heavy taxation on private school mafia ’need of hour’: Altaf Shakoor


Heavy taxation on private school mafia ’need of hour’: Altaf Shakoor

Karachi: Private school mafia is looting parents with both hands and it is the need of hour that heavy taxes should be slapped on them, suggested Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor here Saturday.

He said the quality of education in government schools is not at par and hence the parents are compelled to send their children to private schools, despite their neck breaking heavy fees. He said the government should levy heavy taxes on private schools and the collection of this tax should be spent on improving the standard of education in government schools by hiring better qualified teachers on contract basis.

He said Pakistan is the fifth largest country of the world in terms of population but as the majority of this manpower is not properly educated and trained we are forced to beg for a loan from the IMF. He said we spend more than half of our budget paying interest on our loans and this is what they call a ‘debt trap’.

He said we have land, water, sunshine and manpower and with the help of solar energy we can revolutionize our agriculture and become self-sufficient in food. He said it needs training and educating our youth in the area of modern agriculture and farming. He said we should introduce saline water agriculture to make the whole country green.

Altaf Shakoor said that the government schools should be run through public-private management to improve their standard. He said a public-private board should be there for each and every government school. He said local professionals and parents should be made part of these boards of government schools to keep a closer eye on their quality. He said the private school mafia could only be given a tough competition if the standard of the government schools is raised.

He asked the government to come out of the debt trap so that spending more than half of our national income to further enrich the international lenders this huge amount could be spent on health and education of our own people


Daily Independent

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