Health system to be strengthened with help of vertical programs in rural areas: Dr. Jogezai

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Health, Dr. Ameer Muhammad Khan Jogezai has emphasized that the health system would have to be strengthened with support of the vertical programmes in the rural areas.
He said that the people come to the government hospitals with the hope of better treatment facilities, and if they return back disappointed, then we have no right to remain in power.
It is our duty to come up to come up the expectations of masses by improving the healthcare system in the province, maintained the Minister Health in an official statement issued here on Thursday.
Dr. Ameer Muhammad Jogezai said that the improvement is being brought in the government hospitals utilizing the available resources in the right direction and as such all issues being faced would be resolved gradually.
He also said that it is our responsibility to provide healthcare facilities to everyone without any discrimination.
He said that all employees including subordinate staff to the higher officers are public servants and negligence to duty is just intolerable.
He said that while the government is determined to provide best healthcare facilities to the masses, no negligence is tolerable in this regard.
He also stressed that we have to ensure just use of the available resources so as to ensure provision of best medical treatment to the patients all over the province.

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