Hazrat Sher Shah Seyyed Jalaluddin Haider Surkh-Posh Bukhari

Written by Mohammad Altaf Dahir

Siraiki Wasib and Sufism are inextricably linked. Sufism is the spiritual pulse of the earth. Just as the ocean hides innumerable precious treasures from the world, only those diamonds and pearls obtain the mercy and success of Allah Almighty which have full trust and belief in Him. The philosophy of glory and concern for the welfare of humanity makes every difficult test easy.

Whatever Physics (Science) cannot do Meta Physics (Sufism)takes in its place. Every action depends on the intention. Miracles keep happening in the world. A living example of this is the well of Zamzam water. Sufism is also name of a spiritual charisma ,latest learning or spiritual power. It teaches respect, tolerance, compassion, peace and prosperity in humanity. It talks about the respect and reverence of all religions. The reason for this is the achievement of the spiritual comfort of every ordinary and special person. Among the centers of development, Multan Sharif, Ouch Sharif, Kot Mithan Sharif, Pak Patan Sharif, Chishtian Sharif, Khangah Sharif, along with Taunsa Sharif has great merit. Also, these spiritual hospitals are a source of peace and comfort along with solving the social, cultural, academic and psychological problems of the sad, suffering human beings.

At one time there were seven rivers in the Saraiki area. Now the confluence of five rivers at the head of Panjand, all the rivers flow to the Arabian Sea in the form of the Indus River. One of the Tehsil is Ahmedpur East of Bahawalpur, the capital city of the former Saraiki State. The famous world spiritual center (World Heritage City) Ouch Sharif, which is also known as Madinah Al-Sadat with Ouch Sayyed Jalal. Every one sing a beautiful Siraiki spiritual song Ya Jalal, Hussaini Lal and Jal tao Jalal Tou I Bila Kou Tal tou (To avert their difficulties) read it and get spiritual blessings. According to local devotees, most of Gilani and Bukhari Sadats were performed here in the shrines of over 125,000 saints.

Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider r.a. was the saintly person who spoke the truth in the face of oppression, suppression and lies. He was born happily on the 5th of Dhu al-Hijjah, Friday, 595 AH according to 1190 A.H. He was a perfect mother’s spiritual personality. He was named “Syed Jalaluddin Haider”. Among the famous titles and addresses of the Hazrat Syed Sher ShahJalaluddin Haider SarkhPoshBukhari r.a, the red-faced Bukhari, Mir Surkh, Sher Shah, Sakhi Badshah, Shahneshah Wilayat, Sharifullah, Arif Ballah, Makhdoom Azam, Azim Allah, Sultan Al-Fuqarah, Abu Barakat, Mir Surkh , Jalalullah. , Jalal Akbar, Jalal Azam, Abu Ahmad, Sheikhul Islam, Qutb Kamal, Haider Karrar II, Jalal Ganj,Mir Sayyed Bazaug , Qutb Al-Qatab and Mir Jad Sayyed Bukhari. You, may Allah have mercy on him, have 19 lineages from Hazrat Abdul Muttalib. The lineage of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is as follows: “Syed Jalaluddin Haider, the red-clad Bukhari bin Ali bin Jafar bin Muhammad bin Mahmud bin Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Ali bin Jafar bin Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali Raza bin Musa Kazim bin Jafar Sadiq bin Muhammad Baqir bin Zain al-Abidin Sajjad bin Hussain bin Ali bin Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib A. S.””

Just as the fire became Gulzaar for Khalilullah Nabi Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.), similarly the fire became Gulistan for the glory of Allah. May Allah Almighty bestow many blessings on him. When he was four years old, a group of people passed by in Bukhara carrying a large funeral. When he inquired, he found out that they were going to bury the dead. The dead person immediately came back to life and continued to live for another forty years. The news of this dignity reached Hazrat Syed Abu Al-Wayed Bukhari, may God bless him and grant him peace, the noble father of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. He, may God bless him, close the veil of the Shariat, and this will lead to a breach

in the Shariat of Muhammad, may God bless him. If he, may Allah be pleased with him, had not been angry, then no one would have had to face death in the city of Bukhara by the order of Allah. The hands of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were given allegiance to him. He was given the Kharqa of the Caliphate along with the holy robe, staff, kasa chobi, tasbih, musli and other inner and outer blessings. Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, smiled and said, “My son, you are the inheritor of my throne.” Hazrat Syed Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari (r.a) took permission to travel to Najaf Ashraf Iraq from his father Hazrat Syed Abu Al-Waid Bukhari (R.A.) Then he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, attended the grave of Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace, at the grave of Rasool, Baba Batul, and obtained infinite treasures of favors and blessings. He traveled to Bait al-Maqdis.He r.a. visited the shrines of Syed Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA) and the Prophets (peace be upon them).

On the return of Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari, he faced the executioner Halaku Khan in Bukhara, in his pride, he put Jalal Sarkh Posh Bukhari (r.a), may God bless him and grant him peace, in the flames of fire. He was safe in the red fire. The Mongol oppressive ruler Halaku Khan could not face the glory of God. Then the family of Halaku Khan Mongol, who later became the Mughals, their descendants were benefitted from Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin. Haider( r.a.) who played an important role in spreading the teachings of Islam in the sub-continent of Pakistan and India by benefiting from the practical spiritual manifestations of Bukhari in red. It is necessary to read the philosophy of Jalal-i-Atash. King Jalaluddin Akbar was named after Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari. According to the Bahawalpur Gazette in 1904, the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan also entered the realm of Islam with the appearance of his bright life and virtues.

He entered the religion of Islam by reciting the word of truth. According to a tradition, he, may God bless him and grant him peace, was proficient in 55 languages. The Sufi always preached to people in their mother tongue. Communication in the mother tongue is the easiest natural process. His understanding and awareness are immediately strengthened. Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Masood Ganj Shakar Multani, the great Sufi poet of Saraiki language, narrates a place about his friend Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari( r.a.). “A friend of mine, who is Jalal Allah and Arif Ballah, who trains the spiritual and moral values of humanity day and night. He performs every prayer in congregation at the Kaaba Sharif.

Allah Almighty appoints an angel in his place. He who gives grace to God’s creation, lives. The abodes, monasteries and shrines of the real saints of Allah are actually beautiful fountains of growth and guidance and treasures of Sufism for the people of every era. The person who carries the intention and purpose finds the same destiny. Hazrat Sher Shah Syed Jalaluddin Haider Red-faced Bukhari spent about 35 years in the city of Bukhara. At the age of fifteen, he endowed fifteen thousand scholars with the wealth of spiritual knowledge. Then one day, during the remembrance of God, the angel of God called out, May Allah bless you, get married, may Allah be merciful and merciful. His first marriage, may Allah bless him, was to Hazrat Bibi Fatimah, may Allah bless her. Two sons, Hazrat Syed Ali (may Allah have mercy on him) and Hazrat Syed Jafar (may Allah have mercy on him) were born. Both of them came to Multan but soon returned to Bukhara.

The second marriage was Hazrat Syed Badruddin Bakhravi (may Allah have mercy on him). THE HOLY PROPHET PBUH wanted my son Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider (r. a.) to marry his daughter Hazrat Bibi Zahra Batul to Sarkh Posh Bukhari. Then, after the death of Bibi Zahra Batul, he married his younger sister Hazrat Bibi Fatima, may God bless her and grant her peace. Hazrat Sultan Ahmad Kabeer was born from Hazrat Bibi Fatimah, the third wife of Syed Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari (r.a).Great Sufi saint Hazrat Syed Sultan Kabeer was born from Hazrat Bibi Fatima( r.a).Very popular Sufi saint Hazrat Syed Jalaluddin Hussain Jahaniyan Jhan Gasht was son of Hazrat Syed Sultan Kabeer r.a.

Hazrat Jahaniyan Jahan Gasht r.a. always preached to their devotees in the local Siraiki Sindhi languages. Hazrat Syed Abul Al Waid Bukhari may Allah be pleased with him, who was the elder brother of Hazrat Khawaja Bahawal Haq Zikriya Multani may Allah be pleased with him. He treated him may Allah be pleased with him in Multan. He was sent to reach further goals and to obtain the inner and outer sciences from Hazrat Khawaja Bahawal Haq Zakaria Multani, may God bless him and grant him peace. He entered the chain of Suhrawardia. For about 30 years, he found great favor with Hazrat Khawaja Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria Multani, may Allah have mercy on him. Four Sufis are very famous in Siraiki Wasib. Uddin Masood Ganj Shakar may Allah be pleased with him, Hazrat Syed Usman Marwandi Sakhilal Shahbaz Qalandar may Allah be pleased with him and Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari may Allah be pleased with him. Each Sufi spread good Islam in their respective areas to millions of people. Muslims. He highlighted the feelings of unity, love, patience, tolerance, compassion, peace, respect and humanity among themselves. He(r.a) eliminated dangerous diseases like hatred, adultery, extremism, terrorism, theft, robbery, lies from their heartsand made them useful people for the society.

Once, while traveling in Sindh, a person gave a bag of Ashrafis which was stolen somewhere on the way. The person asked for a bag at the destination. By the grace of Allah, he showed dignity by hitting the river with his hand and taking out the bag for hundreds of people. In this way, Multan wished for the coolness of Bukhara during the hot summer season, that suddenly the power of Allah started pouring heavy rain. He said that this food is not from halal sustenance because my heart had a strong desire to eat immediately. The saint of God will be discovered. Today’s priests, mullahs, gadi-neshis and murids should not come close to the haram provision. Those who exploit the common people economically should be held to account. When he, may God bless him and grant him peace, came to Ocha Dev Raja Singh’s area for the Da’wa Haqq by the order of his mentor, he debated with the sorceress Ocha Rani. By the order of Allah, the cave bound by magic was changed to La ilaha ila Allah Muhammad Rasoolullah instead Ram Ram. He (r.a) released the word of truth. He( r.a)ended the reign of cruelty and brutality.

The sorceress Queen Ocha Rani brought the entire region to Islam, including her subject. The famous ruler converted the Rajput tribes of Dahar, Warren, Chadhar, Sumra, Sayal, etc., along with the Baloch tribes of Laghari and Mazari to Islam. spread the fragrance of Rahmatullah was the best sociologist and economist of his era. Rohi Cholistan, which is the owner of 6000 thousand years old civilization and civilization, the city of Gunveri between Harappa and Mohenjodaro in terms of archaeological sites, due to the fame of Derawar Fort, Patan Minara and spiritually. But Hazrat Chenan Peer, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, received spiritual grace from the HazratSyedSherShahJalaluddinHaiderSarkhPoshBukhari(r.a). The water waves of the Hakra (Sarswati) river returned to his place after visiting Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider (r.a), the red-clad Bukhari, and returned to his place. According to one tradition, Sehwan Sharif Sindh Qalandar Sarkar Hazrat Syed Lal Shahbaz Usman Marwandi (r.a.) was in the service of Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari (r.a.) for about 40 years and received immense blessings. Siraiki ‘s beautiful Manqabat Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari( r.a) is a symbol of spiritual splendor on the tongue of every local public and private. “”JHULAY JHULAY LAL DAM MAST QALANDAR ,SEHWAN DI SARKAR DAM MAST QALANDAR ,PIR SYED JALALUDEEN SURKH POSH BOKHARI DAM MAST QALANDAR, PIR SYED JALAL LAJPAL DAM MAST QALANDAR””.Every Sufi righteous person spread Islam well in their respective areas and converted millions of people to Islam.

It is the philosophy of truth of Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari( r.a).Even a bowl of wood or clay used to pray to Allah with the spiritual dignity of the Emperor of Walayah JalaluddinHaiderSarkhPoshBukhari( r.a). The whole blessed life of the Surkh Posh Bokhari (r.a.)is full of practical qualities. There is a need to do it. At the time of visiting the grave of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, he offered greetings in the presence of hundreds of people and said;A voice came from the grave of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.Translation (Walalaikum Salaam O my first, you are the coolness of my eyes and the lamp of my entire Ummah, you are from me and from my Ahl al-Bayt)The real glory of Allah, Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari (A.S.) founded a Madrasah for the promotion of knowledge and literature, which later became known as Ferozia University.

There is a dire need to end riots, intolerance, corruption, terrorism and hatred, the teachings of Hazrat Syed Sher Shah Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari (r.a) need to be re-read and followed. The exemplary character of Tayyaba opened the door to peace, respect for humanity and prosperity. The perfect guardian of Allah passed away on 19 Jamadi al-Awwal 690 AH corresponding to 20 May 1291.
Sardar Malik Khalid Mehmood Warren the local MPA to popularize the philosophy of the HazratSyedSherShahJalaluddinHaiderSarkhPoshBukhariSufism( r.a). He has also submitted a resolution regarding the establishment a University in Ouch Sharif named of “Syed Jalaluddin Haider Sarkh Posh Bukhari Sufism and Archeology Science University Ouch Sharif” in the Punjab Assembly, which has become a part of the agenda. Likewise, Anjuman Tajran Ahmedpur East is also struggling a lot.

The General Secretary of East, Sardar Aftab Khan Dahir, has also demanded the immediate reconstruction of “Al Jalal Cadet College Ahmedpur East” and the destroyed Khamida Ruza Mubaraka in Uch Sharif rebuilt very soon. All their appendices should be brought in book form and the exemplary Roshan Hayat-e-Taiba should be made a part of the curriculum at the national level, and the long- standing demand of the pilgrims for a “official holiday” on the occasion of the annual Urs Mubarak should also be fulfilled. Annual Urs 754th which is going to start on the Islamic lunar month of Jumadi al- Awwal 17, 18, 19 every year and also celebrated December month of 2023 A.D. Our appeal to the Government of Pakistan and United Nations,it is that the best arrangements and facilities for pilgrims should be arranged on the Urs of this emperor. It should play its role responsibly.This will make it easier for the tourists of the whole world to understand the Archeology and Sufism philosophy of the Seraiki region. Where science is needed to achieve prosperity,development,love,economic comfort and peace,we will all have to shoulder our responsibility to promote social ethics so that future generations can lead successful lives.

نگاہ ولی میں وہ تاثیر دیکھی بدلتی ہزاروں کی تقدیر دیکھی

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