Hayatabad Inhabitants Call for Removal of Corrupt ASP and SHO.

By M.Ilyas

PESHAWAR- Inhabitants of Hayatabad, Peshawar find themselves ensnared in a perilous situation as they grapple with a surge in thefts, mobile snatching, and street crimes, compounded by the alleged incompetence and corruption of local law enforcement officials. Among the grievances cited by residents are the dismal performance of Miss Nayab Mugheez, ASP, and SHO Hayatabad Sajid Khan. According to aggrieved residents, ASP Nayab has purportedly authorized her subordinates to engage in illicit dealings with various criminal syndicates for the collection of illegal gratifications. Furthermore, SHO Sajid Khan, who has a history of suspensions due to alleged involvement in corrupt practices, has reportedly been granted impunity to overlook rampant smuggling activities within the area. The purported misdeeds of the ASP-SHO duo extend to demands for extravagant gifts, with Nayab allegedly seeking the latest iPhones and diamond rings, while Sajid Khan purportedly demands foreign currency as illegal gratifications. Frustrated by the apparent disregard for their safety and well-being. Reportedly SP nayab has more interest in appointing corrupt low rank officials to lucrative posts instead of ensuring accountability and transparency in police ranks.The residents of Hayatabad are now looking to the newly elected Chief Minister of KP, Ali Amin Gandapur, to take decisive action against corrupt elements within the police force. They call for the immediate removal of all personnel appointed prior to the 2024 election, alleging that such individuals prioritize the interests of political parties over the safety and security of the populace, often at the expense of accepting bribes. The residents of Hayatabad urge the authorities to appoint honest and professional police officers who will prioritize the welfare of the community and uphold the rule of law, thereby restoring faith in the law enforcement agencies and ensuring the safety of all residents.

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