Gwadar shipyard to become center of new ships making of whole region soon, hopes Governor

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that the Gwadar mega project has key status in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project and the day is not far away when Gwadar shipyard would become the center of new ships making of the whole region soon.
With completion of the Gwadar shipyard, trade ship making and repair industry would be get boost besides providing golden opportunities of livelihood to dwellers of the port city.
The Governor was speaking to the former federal minister Ms. Zubaida Jalal, who called on him here at the Governor House on Thursday.
Speaking on the occasion, Governor said that the country’s economic system can easily be strengthened with participation of common men of society in the economic activities.
Mr. Kakar said that the number of those youngsters benefitting from higher education in Makran division is increasing at fast pace.
He said that fisheries is identity of Gwadar, and fishermen earn livelihood from the sea. Therefore, it is necessary to increase capacity of the fishermen and take practical steps for provision of modern facilities to them, adding he stressed.
He expressed the belief that the rising sun of Gwadar can steer the country and province out of economic crunch.

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