Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori’s message on Youm e Istehsal Kashmir, condemning India’s actions on August 5, when it unilaterally violated international laws

Karachi (August 4)- Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori’s message on Youm e Istehsal Kashmir, condemning India’s actions on August 5, when it unilaterally violated international laws to seize control of a disputed territory. He stated that India government denial of the rights of the people in occupied Kashmir is illegal and that the Indian state cannot quell the Kashmiri people’s desire for freedom. Kamran Khsn Tessori described these actions as state terrorism, which cannot alter the reality of the situation.

He highlighted that India has attempted to alter the demographics of the region by settling non-state people in Kashmir. However, he affirmed that India’s oppressive measures cannot change the history of occupied Kashmir. The entire Pakistani nation stands with the people of occupied Kashmir and supports their struggle for the right to self-determination. Kamran Tessori saluted the bravery of the people of occupied Kashmir and called on the international community to take note of India’s illegal actions.

The Governor Sindh urged the international community to pressure India to reverse its unconstitutional and illegal actions and restore human rights in occupied Kashmir. He asserted that no Pakistani would rest until Kashmiris achieve freedom and vowed that Pakistan would continue to provide moral, political, and diplomatic support to the oppressed Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination.

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