Governor Shah Farman Accused of Nepotism & Misconduct

By M.Ilyas

PESHAWAR – former Governor of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Shah Farman, has been accused of leveraging his political influence to secure a prominent position within the current government for his alleged girlfriend, Ayesha Naeem.Shah Farman, who was once a close aide to Prime Minister Imran Khan, allegedly deserted Khan’s during challenging times, leading to speculation about his loyalty to the party.Reports suggest that Shah Farman has been engaged in a 15-year-long extramarital affair with Ayesha Naeem, who was twice elected as a Member of Provincial Assembly from PTI on reserved seats for women, purportedly with Farman’s backing. Shockingly, Ayesha Naeem is accused of participating in the election and allegedly receiving Rs. 3 crore in exchange for selling her vote against the party’s interests.The scandal deepens as it emerges that the relationship between Shah Farman and Ayesha Naeem has been an open secret within PTI circles, with numerous witnesses attesting to their frequent public appearances together, including drinking sessions, despite Ayesha Naeem’s former affiliation with PTI. Recent developments indicate that Shah Farman has been spotted at the Chief Minister’s House, allegedly exerting pressure on the new Chief Minister Gandapur to secure a favorable position for Ayesha Ayesha Naeem within the government ranks. Although PTI nominated Ayesha Naeem for a reserved seat in the National Assembly, the party suffered a setback as it lost all such seats in the recent elections.The allegations of nepotism, misconduct, and breach of party loyalty have sparked outrage within PTI ranks and raised questions about the integrity of the party’s leadership.Calls for an investigation into the matter and swift action against those involved are growing louder as the scandal threatens to tarnish PTI’s image.

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