Governor expects Japan’s enhanced cooperation in different welfare projects in Balochistan


Governor expects Japan’s enhanced
cooperation in different welfare
projects in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that Pakistsan and Japan enjoy pleasant relations and there are chances of expanding existing bilateral relations in different sectors further.
He said that Japan has always cooperated with us in every difficult time, whether it is any natural calamity or matter of development of human resource, Japan has always extended wholehearted cooperation to us.
The Governor expressed the hope that Japan would extend its cooperation and support in investment and different welfare projects in the province.
The Governor was speaking to Deputy Consul General Mr. Nakagawa Yasushi who called on him here on Tuesday.
The Governor on the occasion said that Japan is a developed country, which also needs skilled human resource. While we have a large portion of our population consisted of younger generation, and they are included both skilled and unskilled youth, he mentioned adding that Japan can help us our in imparting technical education to our youth while we can help Japan in provision of young human resource.
The Governor also expected that Japan can offer our youngsters scholarships to get technical education.
Referring the law and order situation in Balochistan, the Governor said that the situation of law and order has been improved in the province over the time. In addition to this, there are ample opportunities of investment in different sectors right from mining to fisheries, he pointed out. In this regard, the government is ready to extend every kind of protection to the investors in Balochistan, he pledged.
Moreover, Japan can also help us improving capacity in disaster management in Balochistan, he pleaded.
The Governor on the occasion thanked Japan for cooperation in education, health and other sectors in the province and adding hoped that it would continue its cooperation in future as well.

Daily Independent

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