Governor exhorts intelligentsia to play due part to cope with challenges faced by Pakistan


National Workshop Balochistan concludes:
Governor exhorts intelligentsia
to play due part to cope with
challenges faced by Pakistan

Malik Abdul Wali Kakar asks participants of NWB to play active and enthusiastic
role for promotion of sustainable peace, promotion of national harmony and spirit.

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Kakar has exhorted upon intelligentsia to play part for coping with the challenges being faced by the country.
The Governor was speaking at the closing ceremony of National Workshop Balochistan (NWB) here the other day.
While appreciating the NWB, the Governor expressed the hope that participants would play more active and enthusiastic role for promotion of sustainable peace as well as promotion of national harmony and national spirit.
He said that the workshop is a darsgah (learning institution) where the participants learn something in short span of two weeks what they can’t learn in big universities.
The Governor also said that the participants of NWB are lucky to have an opportunity to learn through the able experienced teachers and experts.
In addition to this, they would have the opportunity to share the experiences and observations with the fellow, he maintained.
What’s needed now for the participants is that they would use the knowledge and learning they gained while attending the workshop in their respective institutions and areas with utmost honesty, adding the Governor stressed.
This would also help build their capacity and thus improve performance of their respective institutions, he believed.
He observed that first of all the disease is identified, then the experts diagnose it and then prescribe treatment.
He on the occasion also stressed the need to take practical steps besides acquiring knowledge in the society as the real knowledge can only make difference and bring positive and constructive change in the society.

Daily Independent

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