Governor desires Ansar Burney Trust may expand activities in remote areas of Balochistan


Governor desires Ansar Burney
Trust may expand activities in
remote areas of Balochistan

Malik Abdul Wali Kakar points outs towards lack of modern medical
equipment and other necessary machinery in health centers of districts

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has expressed his desire that the welfare institutions like Ansar Burney Trust may expand all their activities in remote areas of the province.
The Governor was speaking to the Chairman Ansar Burney Trust (ABT), Ansar Burney and its vice Chairman, Shaheen Burney who called on him here at the Governor’s House on Monday.
He appreciated the important role being played by ABT for coping with the emergent situation, preventing kids smuggling, providing legal aid to the prisoners and providing relief to the affected people during the natural calamities.
The Governor stressed that we have to provide true guidance to the new generation for boosting volunteer spirit, restoration of the human dignity and formation of healthy society.
He said that the spirit of public service plays significant role in coping with the emergent situation and natural disasters.
The Governor on the occasion pointed out towards the lack of modern medical equipment and other necessary machinery in the health centers located in different districts of the province.
It is our bad luck that the ratio of maternal mortality is highest in Balochistan even in the present developed era.
He stressed that immediate financial assistance and provision of modern machinery by the international organizations can be helpful in health and education sectors besides learning modern skills to the people.

Daily Independent

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