Governor calls for upgrading our human resources to unlock great potentials of Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Jaffar Khan Mandokhail has stated Pakistan especially Balochistan has great potentials right from huge resources, precious minerals to the stable blue economy, but there is a need to upgrade the human resources to unlock these potentials.
He said that our people are the biggest asset.
He said that our natural resources would be out of use without the scientific thinking, approach and the modern skills just like the smart phone containing our of order battery.
He said that we are blessed with the fertile lands, but our unskilled farmers are the hurdles in way of their proper utilisation.
The Governor was speaking to the participants of national dialogue here at the Governor’s House on Saturday.
Also present on the occasion were the Provincial Minister for Education, Ms Raheela Hameed Khan Durrani, former Federal Minister, Ms. Zubaida Jalal, vice chancellors of the public sector universities, alumni of the Oxford University and other.
The Governor said that as we make endeavours for the meaningful development, we should prefer the achievable objectives in the unique context of our country and province.
He said that there is no use and benefit of the respected degrees and modern education, if we are unaware of our ground realities and facts. Any of the famous scientist or politician can’t create a big change without realizing the depth of creative application of knowledge.
This is why, we should make our theoretical skill compatible with the creative application, adding he stressed.
The Governor asserted that we should face our realities as inhabitants of the developing countries.
He said that we depend on other countries for very common things of our daily life. But on the other hand, the future of paperless and driverless is knocking at our door, he said. He also said that our weaknesses invite exploitation. He said that we should make prediction of our future at our own because of dearth of visionary thinkers.
He said that it is a dilemma that our highly educated scholars, researchers and scientists depend on the public sector universities for profitable jobs, salaries and privileges. This is why, our professional engineers and doctors seek government jobs instead of providing jobs to others, he maintained.
The Governor said that it is need of the hour to become producers instead of becoming mere consumers.

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