Governor Balochistan emphasizes on paying attention on increasing capacity instead of number of students in public sector universities

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail has stated that the real recognition of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) is linked with raising the standard more than increasing quantity.
The Governor said that although increasing quantity at the level of university in the backward province of Balochistan is also welcoming, but to him, actual thing is standard instead of quantity. He stressed that we have to pay attention on the capacity more than number for transforming the available quantity in the public sector universities of Balochistan in the high standards.
He said that our head would raise with pride when name of any of 11 public sector universities would be included in the best universities of country.
The Governor was speaking to the Vice Chancellor of Turbat University, Professor Dr Jan Muhammad who called on him here at the Governor’s House on Wednesday.
Speaking on the occasion, Governor said that there is a need to change our traditional methodology and curriculum in accordance with the changing requirements and human needs.
For the purpose, the Vice Chancellor of Turbat University and his whole team needs to take concrete measures to make them compatible with the modern requirements, adding he stressed.
However, the Governor appreciated the performance of University of Turbat and directed to expand the process of learning modern skills to the local people.

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