Government Taps Army Medical Corps for PIMS Leadership.

ISLAMABAD- In a significant development, the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination of the Government of Pakistan has issued a crucial memorandum, urgently addressing a vacant position of utmost importance. The Executive Director BS-21 position at the prestigious Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in Islamabad, along with the Federal Government Polyclinic Hospital (FGPC), has remained unfilled due to the unavailability of eligible candidates within the existing cadre for promotion . Recognizing the vital role these institutions play in providing tertiary care to the people of Islamabad, it is deemed imperative not to allow them to operate without capable leadership. To ensure uninterrupted and effective healthcare services for the residents of Islamabad, the Ministry has proposed a temporary solution. They are seeking the services of qualified and competent hospital managers of equivalent grade (BS-21) from the esteemed Pakistan Army Medical Corps on a secondment basis. This arrangement would remain in effect for a period of three years and until further orders, adhering to standard terms and conditions. The decision to call upon the Army Medical Corps is driven by the pressing need to maintain the high standards of healthcare services provided by these institutions. The Ministry is committed to ensuring that the public continues to receive top-tier medical care, especially in the capital territory. This significant move has received the formal approval of the Secretary of the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination. The Ministry is taking swift and prudent action to uphold the well-being of the community. This development underscores the government’s unwavering dedication to public health and welfare, ensuring that the healthcare institutions remain in capable hands, even in times of personnel challenges. It signifies the resilience and adaptability of Pakistan’s healthcare system in serving the nation. However, some sources are also suggesting that this letter may have been written by the Ministry on behalf of the Army itself to portray a positive image of the Army to the public.

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