Government announces to launch air ambulance service in Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Government of Balochistan has announced to launch air ambulance in the province.
According to the official handout issued here on Monday, the Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti said that the provincial government has decided to initiate the air ambulance for the first time in history of the province.
The Chief Minister said that the Peoples air ambulance would be available for shifting of the patients on an emergency basis.
He said that the provincial government decided to use the airplane for public instead of selling it.
He said that one of the two planes would be converted into air Ambulance.
He said that no additional resources are required for launching the air ambulance in the province rather the available resources are being utilized for the purpose.
The Chief Minister said that service delivery is being improved in all sectors including health services in the province.
He said that the desired results can be achieved by changing the priorities of decision making in the province.
He said that reforms are being brought in the health sector to bring improvement in the service delivery.

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