Get ready for legal action, IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar gave final message to unlicensed drivers.

Inspector General Police Punjab Dr Usman Anwar has given an ultimatum to the law breakers for driving without license to be ready for legal action. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar and Additional IG Traffic Mirza Faran Baig issued a special video message from the Aabshar Khidmat Markaz in Shadman. IGP Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar said that the citizens who have not yet obtained licenses should be ready to face strict legal action. Dr. Usman Anwar said that first all the license centers of the province were upgraded with modern resources to facilitate the citizens to get the license easily, removed all hurdles in online driving license issuance, more than 34 laws were amended, after which citizens now only have to come to driving centers for the tests, all other facilities are available online. IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar said that after providing all the facilities of driving license to the citizens, now the time for checking has started. In a couple of days, the process of checking the license on the roads is being restarted in all the districts of the province. Dr. Usman Anwar said that action will be taken according to the law against those driving without a license. Additional IG Traffic Mirza Faran Baig said that in the last few weeks, 1.24 million citizens have obtained driving licenses. All license centers and traffic offices of the province have been equipped with modern facilities and made very comfortable for the citizens. Additional IG Traffic Mirza Faran Baig said that citizens driving without a license get their license without delay and protect them from facing legal action.

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