General Secretary of Pakistan Workers Federation and CDA Labor Union leaders protested against the ban imposed on the union

Islamabad: General Secretary of Pakistan Workers Federation and CDA Labor Union Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin, President Aurangzeb Khan, Chairman Raja Shakir Zaman Kayani, PWF Chairman Abdul Rehman Asi and other labor leaders protested against the ban imposed on the union in the power sector by the caretaker government. In a joint statement against, said that this decision of the caretaker government is a violation of the Constitution of Pakistan and the basic concepts of the International Labor Organization, which we strongly condemn. Article 17 of the Constitution of Pakistan explicitly recognizes the right to freedom of association, including the right to form unions. The decision to curtail union activities in the power sector contradicts this constitutional provision, undermining the democratic values enshrined in the constitution and impinging on the fundamental rights of workers. Furthermore, the PWF expresses concern over the impact of this decision (GSP+) status. GSP+ is a special trade arrangement granted by the European Union to countries that commit to effectively implementing international conventions on human rights, labor rights, environmental protection, and good governance. The decision to restrict union activities raises serious questions about Pakistan’s commitment to upholding labour rights, which could have adverse consequences on the GSP+ status. The PWF urges the government to reconsider its stance in order to maintain Pakistan’s favorable trade status and uphold international labor standards. The Pakistan Workers Federation also highlights the importance of adhering to International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, which Pakistan is a signatory to. The ILO conventions, including Convention 87 (Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organiz), Convention 98 (Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining), Convention 29 (Forced Labour), Convention 105 (Abolition of Forced Labour), Convention 138 (Minimum Age for Employment), and Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labour), form a critical framework for protecting the rights and dignity of workers globally. The PWF calls on the caretaker government to align its policies with the principles enshrined in these ILO conventions and ensure the protection of workers’ rights in compliance with international standards. The Federation urges the government to engage in constructive dialogue with workers’ representatives to address concerns without compromising workers’ constitutional and international rights. The Pakistan Workers Federation remains steadfast in its commitment to defending workers’ rights, promoting fair labor practices, and fostering a just and equitable working environment. On this occasion, he assured General Secretary Khurshid Ahmed, President Latif Nizamani and other officials of Wapda Hydroelectric Union that we stand with them at every forum and express full solidarity on our behalf.

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