French delegation visited Sir Syed University and called on VC Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin

KARACHI,  – A French delegation comprising Ms. Arifa Sultana, Program Officer Incharge of Higher Education, Embassy of France in Pakistan, and Ms. Fabiha Aziz, Campus France Officer in Pakistan, visited Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) to have an info-session with the SSUET officials and faculty. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the university and to explore options for potential collaboration and partnership.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif, Dean Faculty of Computing & Applied Sciences, gave an informative and comprehensive presentation about Sir Syed University that encompassed academic programs, achievements, and future resolutions.
Addressing the session, Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, Vice Chancellor SSUET, said that a large number of students are approaching foreign countries for higher studies, which bring change in their lives monetarily as well as professionally. Technology is changing rapidly, and we have to quickly adapt to the new transformation to keep pace with the fast-changing world. Sir Syed University is known for quality education and its research activities.
Swinging light on the important characteristics of the Choose France Education Fair, Ms. Arifa Sultana talked about the new application procedure initiated by the Ministry of Education France.
She said that the Ministry of Higher Education, France has launched the “Etudes en France” portal to facilitate international students with their admission procedure and this portal will be fully operational in Pakistan from October 2023.
She pointed out that this year we wanted to explore Karachi. The 2nd edition of the Choose France Education Fair will be held on 19th October 2023 in Karachi and 12 top-notch French universities from different domains are coming to participate in this education Fair. Later the officials of these academic institutions will visit universities in Karachi to have one-to-one interaction. We want students of Sir Syed University to take part in this Education Fair to become aware of the universities that are coming to facilitate specifically those students who desire to study in France.
Ms. Arifa Sultana underscored that right now, we have a 3-year research mobility program that provides you the opportunity to visit France, to visit French labs, and to work with French researchers. The Project is funded by the French government and HEC Pakistan. It offers a unique and long-lasting collaboration. If you collaborate with French universities, then French professors can come over to Pakistan for a week and 2 weeks to deliver lectures at universities here. We also have a semester exchange program.
Ms. Fabiha Aziz, Campus France Officer in Pakistan, said that Campus France Pakistan has complete and comprehensive information. Services are provided to facilitate the foreign students in France and to reduce the language barrier. An internship of 4 to 6 months is mandatory for students in France to make them aware of the industry-relations.
Earlier Registrar SSUET, Cdr. (r) Syed Sarfraz Ali welcomed the guests and shared his experiences during his posting to Germany as a Navy Officer, also when he was doing a Master’s from Germany. He said that when students go to foreign universities for higher studies, apart from academics they become aware of their culture, traditions, and language.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir Fattani was highly appreciated for arranging this info-session with French delegation.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin along with Registrar Syed Sarfraz Ali, Dean FoCAS, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif, Chairmen, and faculty members presented souvenirs to the guests as a token of appreciation.

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