Foolproof security arrangements made:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The seven-day anti-polio campaign is scheduled to be commenced in 30 districts of Balochistan province today (Monday).
According to the Coordinator of Emergency Operation Center (EOC) for Polio Eradication Balochistan, Syed Zahid Shah, all the necessary arrangements have been made for immunization of the children in the targeted districts of the province.
The EOC Coordinator informed that more than 2.395 million children below five years of age would be administered anti-polio vaccine during the campaign.
For the purpose, around 10,000 teams have been formed for vaccinating children against polio virus in the province. These are included 8,000 mobile teams besides 837 fixed sites and 541 transit points.
The districts which are not included in the campaign are: Awaran, Washuk, Kohlu, Musakhail and Surab. Except these districts, the campaign is being launched in other 30 districts of the province.
The EOC coordinator said that foolproof security arrangements have been made for the upcoming immunization campaign in the province.
It may be mentioned here two polio cases were reported from Balochistan this year after gap of three years. The cases were reported from Dera Bugti and Chaman.
According to EOC Coordinator, the anti-polio campaign is being launched in view of the recent cases reported in the province.
He said that we are determined to eradicate polio virus from the province with support of the parents and anti-polio workers.
He urged the parents, civil society and other segments of the society to extend wholehearted cooperation to make the anti-polio campaign successful.

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